is north shore animal league america sweepstakes legitimateis north shore animal league america sweepstakes legitimate

I put the puppy outside in her crate and went to the vet to get the medicine she needed. Every animal was physically examined be the medical staff before it was allowed into the general population of animals. With each visit to HUA, the buildings were in excellent shape. they recommneded we take them back down to NSAL and have them treat them because if they did it would cost approx 4, 000.00. my mom and i had no choice but to travel and brign them down there. References and Further Reading For a current listing of prize winners (available after April 2022), write to: 2021 All-Cash Sweepstakes, North Shore Animal League America, P.O. She asked that the volunteer to hold the puppy for one minute while she went to the restroom. Each appointment was on letter head, now first of all i understand that puppies especially ones who come from places like this are prone to kennel cough and other viruses. They have several buildings for various animals and their care A veterinarian udon staff as well as vet techs. The treatment of parvovirus is fairly straightforward and directed at supportive therapy. When you have a top executive that is being paid a six figure salary, the place should be better run than what is being written about. Why would employee allow someone who has another dog to adopt a sick puppy that may and can infect it." This beacon provides an We specifically avoided anything from down south (parvo is more prevelant). We apologize for this inconvenience, and recommend the following veterinary centers for your pets urgent health needs. I worked for NSAL. This scheme started by mail, they said it was donations for the Northshore Animal League America. Antibiotic therapy is usually given to help control secondary bacterial infections. I responded, "its your vet that cleared this dog for adoption knowing she was sick-how am I supposed to trust his opinion. The woman and her four children left North Shore crying and screaming they would never go there again. I have been sending money in small and bigger amounts for They then asked if there was any other dogs in the house (yes, 13 yr old rescue) and for 2 references although they just ended up calling just one. Sure the dog has a few problems, but we knew that from the start. I also stated that I thought the dog was a Pit-her response "yeah, she is a terrier." Evidently, right now, he's getting treated for URI intravenously as well as his nutrients and water. Dogs should NOT be placed for adoption that have Parvo. North Shore animal league sucks! I understand the desire to save potentially good pets from death and I agree with the idea that pets are not disposable and for the fickle, that getting a puppy for Christmas and ditching it when bored irresponsible. Not discounting anyone's complaints, but we are saying we think the problem is in Sweepstakes is one of the methods used to raise funds in support of our mission. I will say the woman with the fear of the Giardia went a little over board. Except where prohibited by law, as a condition of participating in this Sweepstakes, each entrant agrees that (1) any and all disputes and causes of action arising out of or connected with this Sweepstakes, including but not limited to prize awarded, shall be resolved individually, without resort to any form of class action, and exclusively by final and binding arbitration under the rules of JAMS and held at the JAMS regional office nearest the Entrant; (2) the Federal Arbitration Act shall govern the interpretation, enforcement and all proceedings at such arbitration; and (3) judgment upon such arbitration award may be entered in any court having jurisdiction. Adoption from a shelter is always a risk - you don't know the dog's history and neither does the shelter. however it got to the point that i couldn't dare to see them like this anymore, plus they would not take their medications. I thank you for your opinion . I adopted a cat from North Shore animal league on 1/28/2023. Go stand in the parking lot and continue picking up dog ###like the piece of ### that you are! if there is anyone u all need to be upset with, it is the directors of nsal not the employees, ie techs & doctors. There are special staff and volunteers that care only for these very special residents. Again. Its a complete dis-service to the animal. Asked December 22, 2018 2 You have NO IDEA of the problems in this organization. Many long-term "problem" animals are neglected - kept in the back away from public view in small cages. It's such an insult to licensed techs who spent time and money to go to school and pass the national exam. a very high chance of being returned. AND they do have puppy mill dogs but that says it right on the cage. I get that dogs can get sick, especially when they were initally in bad conditions, but i would expect the shelter to know this and do the quarantine thing before adopting out dogs that might be very sick- for the sake of the people and the animal. WebNorth shore animal league america is the world's largest no-kill rescue and adoption organization. If all things are on the up and up.. all the better. Posts Reels Videos Tagged There is a broad range in the severity of symptoms shown by dogs that are infected with parvovirus. In every case of the four rescues we went through, each dog had a file that contained invoices from the veterinary practice stating what service the dog required, what was done and what meds were dispensed for the dog. not to mention she is extremely rude to the clients & treats them like they are stupid simply because they do not have veterinary knowledge. doctors and staff have no real connection to any of the animals especially those who may come from homes where people may have abused them and need that extra special attention. I trusted what they told me and took the puppy into my home of which I have a 3 and 5 year old. There is no purchase or donation necessary and a purchase or contribution does not increase your chances of winning. if she only knew the real truth behind what the directors are doing to the staff, the public and most importantly the animals, she would probably keel over, and well, u can figure out the rest. It a dog has it, licks their butt then licks your mouth you got it. We saw a mobile unit (not sure what company did it) but there were tons of people checking out cats and dogs. Now for the people that work at this place that were rude to the customers. Animals sound like the last thing the top executives are interested in. is a leading complaint resolution website on the Internet. The number increased to 60% by 16 weeks, and by 18 weeks of age, 95% of the puppies could be immunized. The complicating factor is that there is a period of time from several days to several weeks in which the maternal antibodies are too low to provide protection against the disease, but too high to allow the vaccine to work. Just Heartbreaking! Asher is a sweet little pup! Undertaking the treatment of affected dogs and puppies without professional veterinary care is very difficult. In addition, (1) $1,000 BONUS CASH prize will be awarded to one of the Fast 50 winners in a random drawing every 6 months. I was just googling "NSAL told me I was getting a different dog than I got" and I came upon my review of NSAL from 2008. The staff tries to reduce the chances of infectious disease being spread, but there are just too many sick animals to keep up with. Mercy was brought up from teneseethe tags have a letter in the beginning of the stands for the state that they were brought from. I have called several times and left messages for Theresa who is to be the Medical Director who has never returned any of my calls. WebValley News Live checked into the North Shore Animal League. We live in MN. MS: The official registration and financial information of North Shore Animal League America may be obtained from the Mississippi Secretary of States office by calling 1-888-236-6167. A prize from their sweepstakes. | Since 1944, North Shore Animal League America has been saving the lives of innocent dogs, cats, puppies, and kittens over 1,000,000 to date. knowing about kennel cough we thought we were doing the right thing by having the vet see them before we brought them home to make sure they got the proper medication before the entered our house with two other dogs. Virus can be found in the feces several days before clinical signs of disease appear, and may last for one to two weeks after the onset of the disease. Some say a new The same animal hospital but a different vet who treated max for kennel cough, which by the way i suspected it got worse already and was in pneumonia. In Kapil, S; Lamm, CG (eds.) If you want to be sure what you're getting, adopt an adult dog or older puppy - otherwise it is a total crapshoot. This big fat dumb goon had the audacity to tell this woman not to care for the kitten and continued to follow us until I threatened him to step away from us before I call the cops. I explained this and asked if they had a sister shelter that I could take her to, I was placed on hold then disconnected. Despite their glowing reputation, I find the premises filthy, and have seen both staff and volunteers ignoring the puppies, dogs and kittens, and on one occasion I saw one staff member take a very young puppy, hold it upside down by its rear legs, and blow in its face. Valley News Live checked into the North Shore Animal League. I told the employee that I thought she had mites-her response "yeah, that is possible." But here's the thing. im pretty sure she adopted again that day, and i cant imagine her not going through the same rough and aganizing time. I asked what would happen to her, I was told that she would be looked at by their vets but she would not be able to remain in the hospital until the sickness was gone, that she would be looked at and would be put back up for adoption. Meaning that animal will stay with HUA for life. She then asked if we wanted to take her to their vet to get her checked out. Do you have a TV station that would be will to do an undercover investigation? Why would NSAL allow a puppy to be put on a truck to be adopted knowing that the puppy is sick? We donated several cans of food and or cat carrier which was over $100. A lot of these animals die, and NSAL offers the family another pet for freeanother pet that's most likely going to be ill. I adopted a Pomeranian from the NSAL 2 years ago. Macintyre, D. Management of Severe Parvoviral Enteritis. When i got her home, at times she would be nice and at other times she would snap at me. They resisted efforts by the ASPCA to start a behavioral program to properly evaluate the animals! Please include a self-addressed, stamped envelope with your request. Estimated odds of winning the Grand, First, Second, Third, Fourth and Fifth Prizes are no greater than 1 in 4 million. I called back and went through the whole story again to another person, I was placed on hold then transfered to voice mail. OH and if you would like to visit your animal, its by appointment only and from 6-8pm in the evening. You learn to deal with it. They are adopting out animals they KNOW are sick and do not care about who they infect. My vet gave us meds and within a few days she was bouncing like a normal puppy. You can't blame the vets, vet techs, assistants or volunteers. the scales they used were covered in hair and rust. Every complaint on this board is clearly from someone with ZERO dog experience. I filed a complaint with the BBB in hopes that something can be done about this shelter giving out sick animals and not being held responsilbe for it. Im confident when I say that letters written to this complaint site will not be enough. The staff were polite and I agree that it may have taken some time. The length and timing of the window of susceptibility is different in every puppy in every litter. You do not have it for life or do they. Feb 06, 2023, 11:12pmUpdated on Feb 06, 2023. I have been to North Shore on many occasions, and I know people who volunteer there. My husband and i went to NSAL 2 yrs ago and adopted Lilly an eight month old hound mix. She is also super affectionate. But, we can no longer take in any pets because we don't have an adoption center anymore. One thing I noticed is BideAWee keeps the pups for a week in quarrantine and they spay or neuter the animals before they put them up for adoption. I was told it was because she had just been spay. He has absolutely no presence with employees, volunteers, in the adoption area. Four separate people told us NORTH shore animal league, ANd we asked how long ago and if they were happy. They forced our rescue group out, and moved these other bozos in 2 days later. This review was chosen algorithmically as the most valued customer feedback. 3. Besides the issues with infectious disease, NSAL allows unlicensed people to draw blood and put IVs into sick animals. North Shore Animal League America - I am sorry for everyone's troubles and it is a shame as it is not the animals fault but human. And IF a person knowingly sells dangerous, predatory wild animals, misrepresented as domestic mixed breed dogs, into homes with small children I would think that possible grounds for fraud and child endangerment. Their ###ic director of special adoptions has no education, training, or experience in animal behavior - and actually tried to blame my dogs behavior on me! View all 31 questions about North Shore Animal League America Is this place legit or a fraudulent business running scams? Box 97002, Washington DC 20090-7002. A very young inexperienced supervisor reacted insufficiently and quite poorly and the volunteer was openly scolded like a child.. They say that they will call you every morning which they do NOT. North Shore Animal League America - Sweepstakes, North Shore Animal League America - Worst Experience in Animal Shelter, North Shore Animal League America - Horrible, North Shore Animal League America - Dog Surrender, North Shore Animal League America - unethical behavior from staff and veterinarians, North Shore Animal League America - adopting sick pets, North Shore Animal League America - medical records. Any of you who have written things along these lines SHOULD NOT BE DOG OWNERS! Limit one entry per postage pre-paid outer envelope. Ask yourself, Why are more animals coming in the door than can be cared for and why is the animal turn around out the door so rapid? Beautiful dog, but quiet and very skinny-protruding ribs, spine and hind quarters. I'm sure I could fill out a bogus application, write a rubber check, and walk out with a kitten or puppy. He also does not even know the names of many volunteers and some employees. i mean no where for you to sit in the office with your dog and just plain out disgusting. the vet we took them to on tues night told us oliver was fine and he didn't even want to treat him, meanwhyile the xrays showed up that olivers pneumonia was worse than max's but max was overall sicker. animal. Unless your dog is small, young and "cute" (e.g., not a pit bull), your dog will most likely not be accepted back after the 30-day return policy is up. After all they have to walk the dogs outside etc, The unit also has some very stringent rules which in some cases need to be more flexible.. For example, a North Shore employee or volunteers not allowed to hold an animal out of the cage (for an adopting family) for more than one minute. Our beagle died 6 weeks prior, and my family needed a new little bundle of joy. I'm not complaining exactly, it's more of a buyer beware. If you no longer wish to receive our sweepstakes mailings, please send a postcard with your name and address to: NO SWEEPSTAKES MAIL, North Shore Animal League America, P.O. Also some shelters DO know what breed it is, I go on websites and see a Pitt bull labeled as a lab, or they pretend dogs our purebred when they aren't, when I go to websites I call almost half the breeds out for not being what they are but some breeds are so obvious, to me anyway so if you work with dogs you should know what I know at least.

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