why is hearing impaired a slurwhy is hearing impaired a slur

If they meet this definition, animals are considered service animals under the ADA, regardless of whether they have been licensed or certified. Background: The Merck Manual ddefines vegetative state as the absence of responsiveness or consciousness in which patients show no awareness of their environment. Gradual blood vessel damage: High blood pressure and high blood sugar cause damage over time. Background: The Americans with Disabilities Act is federal civil rights legislation that was signed into law in 1990 to address discrimination on the basis of disability in employment, public accommodations, transportation and telecommunications as well as state and local government services. AP style: Not specifically addressed, but the style book suggests not using such terms without asking for an individuals preference. Background: Total blindness is the complete lack of perception of either light or form. If you are going to use it in a quote, consider that decision carefully, as the word is particularly charged. This also is referred to as deaf-blindness or deafblindness. It is important to understand that many people do not consider being deaf or having hearing loss as a disability. WebDeafness is defined as "a hearing impairment that is so severe that the child is impaired in processing linguistic information through hearing, with or without amplification." Keep in mind that it may not be relevant to include in a story how an individual communicates as long as the communication is clear. NCDJ Recommendation: Use augmentative and alternative communication on first reference, explaining what it means. For more information, consult the U.S. Department of Justice Civil Rights Division Disability Rights Section. Avoid using it casually as it may be offensive and inaccurate. It is acceptable to refer to someone as having spastic cerebral palsy, but it is derogatory to refer to someone as spastic or a spaz. When describing specific symptoms, it is always best to ask the person what terms they prefer. Use of the word dwarf is considered acceptable when referring to the genetic condition, but it is often considered offensive when used in a non-medical sense. NCDJ Recommendation: Caregiver is preferable to caretaker when referring to the care of people. Slurred speech after a stroke is the most common The most common forms of mental illness are anxiety disorders, mood disorders and schizophrenia disorders. A child learns to speak by hearing the speech of others in the family and surroundings. Dysarthria can often lead to a complete loss of speech known as anarthria. The Registry of Interpreters of the Deaf has a searchable database of registered interpreters. Background: Cerebral palsy refers to a number of neurological disorders that appear in infancy or early childhood and permanently affect body movement and muscle coordination, according to the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke. Advocacy groups call it death with dignity or right-to-die, but AP does use those phrases on their own. NCDJ Recommendation: Avoid describing people as gifted or twice exceptional unless they have been identified as such by a professional. See entry on Dissociative identity disorder/multiple personality disorder. Those with an ADHD diagnosis may also exhibit difficulty sitting still or engaging in quiet activities. Instead, say the person has paraplegia. The terms also are misleading, as wheelchairs can liberate people, allowing them to move about, and they are inaccurate, as people who use wheelchairs are not permanently confined to them but are transferred to sleep, sit in chairs, drive cars, etc. NCDJ Recommendation:Avoid using invalid to describe a person with a disability except in a direct quote. In those cases, attribute the term or note its historic use. Remember that some in the autism community object to the term. Use a person with dementia or a person with dementia rather than demented or senile. When possible, reference the specific disease, such as someone with Huntingtons disease. When referencing Huntingtons disease or Parkinsons disease, use the full term rather than shortening to Huntingtons or Parkinsons.. Background: Disability and disabled generally describe functional limitations that affect one or more of the major life activities, including walking, lifting, learning and breathing. The device does not fully restore hearing, but it gives a representation of sounds to help a person understand speech. If a preference is unknown, specify the condition rather than referring to it as a hidden disability, which is vague and open to interpretation. Background: These phrases are used to describe conditions in which arms, legs, fingers, or toes are missing, not fully formed or shaped in a different way, either as a result of an amputation or a congenital condition. NCDJ Recommendation: Avoid using defect or defective when describing a disability. The term high-functioning autism is widely used but is not a medical diagnosis, and many consider it offensive. Otherwise, paraphrase and use a more acceptable term. Those in Deaf culture have never seen themselves as disabled. Consider using people-first language, as in a person with an intellectual disability rather than an intellectually disabled person. As always, ask the person which terms they prefer. Instead use the word condition and try to identify the specific diagnosis if possible. Be cautious about calling someone an ableist just as you would be cautious about calling someone a racist or a sexist. Background: Service animals are trained animals, usually dogs, that provide services to people with disabilities. Stroke. Background: The term interabled is used by some in the disability community to refer to couples in which one person has a disability and the other does not. Some of the more common genetic conditions include cystic fibrosis, Huntingtons disease, and sickle cell anemia. NCDJ Recommendation: Refer to someone as having attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder only if the information is relevant to the story and if you are confident the person has been medically diagnosed with the condition. Euthanasia should not be used to describe medically assisted suicide or physician-assisted suicide. The AP also suggests using resources from www.reportingonsuicide.org. Other medical diagnoses associated with dementia include Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease, Huntingtons disease, Parkinsons disease and Wernicke-Korsakoff syndrome (previously known as wet brain). She experiences symptoms of psychosis is preferable to She is psychotic. He has a bipolar disorder is preferable to He is bipolar.. According to the University of Washington. Addiction usually refers to a disease or disorder; dependence may, on the other hand, describe babies born to mothers who use drugs or cancer patients who take prescribed painkillers. If thats not possible, ask a spokesperson for the organization representing the relevant disability for preferred terminology. They give audiences a choice on whether or not to proceed with consuming the information. Seizures are more common than you might think. Similarly, there is not really a good way to describe the nature of a condition. 3. The field was founded by Sigmund Freud. They are frequently used by nonspeaking individuals and those with limited vocabulary to aid or replace oral speech. The foundation also uses the term visually impaired, but some object to the use of the words impair or impairment when describing a disability. They recommend color vision deficiency.. Jon Henner, an assistant professor at University of North Carolina at Greensboro, who is Deaf, describes himself as a crip linguist., While some activists have embraced the word, adopting hashtags such as #criplit and #cripthevote, others are very much against its use. The plural of dwarf is dwarfs.. Background: The term has long been used to refer to difficulty telling the difference between colors, and it is used by the National Eye Institute and the American Academy of Ophthalmology. While those with Tourette syndrome often can suppress tics by focusing on them, the disorder also can be treated with medication, relaxation techniques and therapy. The case for nonspeaking is outlined by the non-profit organization The Guild for Human Services. Some prefer the term congenital disorder. AP style: The style book urges avoidance of the term special education and suggests trying to be specific about the needs or services in question. Did you know that NCDJ Recommendation: Ask your sources what term they prefer. And so we are no longer offering advice regarding a default. Opinions vary on how to refer to someone with autism. Common symptoms across forms of dementia include memory loss, difficulty performing complex tasks, communication difficulties, personality changes and paranoia, according to the Even with the caveat that this does not apply to all, we have heard from many people with disabilities who take issue with that advice. AP style: The stylebook says birth defect is acceptable in broad references, such as lessening the chances of birth defects. NCDJ Recommendation: Use the term mental illness instead of insane or mentally deranged, except in a quote or when referring to a criminal defense. Refer to a disability only when its relevant to the story and, when possible, confirm the diagnosis with a reputable source, such as a medical professional or other licensed professional. Slurred speech without alcohol is linked to a variety of This condition happens when a childs brain cant coordinate the muscles that enable speech. Background: Depression is characterized by a loss of interest in activities, persistent fatigue, difficulty in concentrating and making decisions, prolonged feelings of emptiness or hopelessness, and abnormal eating habits, according to the National Institute of Mental Health. Proponents of the term say it helps to destigmatize relationships between people with disabilities and people without disabilities. Most seizures last from 30 seconds to two minutes. Background: A deformity is a condition in which part of the body does not have the typical or expected shape, according to Merriam-Webster Dictionary. Background: The University of Kansas Research & Training Center on Independent Living describes this as a specific congenital disability involving the lip and gum. Limited vision: Acceptable when a person is not legally or completely blind, Low vision: Acceptable when a person is not legally or completely blind. Background: Merriam-Webster defines the noun cripple as a lame or partly disabled person or animal and as something flawed or imperfect. It also is used as a verb. As youll see below, high functioning and low functioning are considered offensive. Its best to avoid using clean and dirty with regard to drug test results, according to the Center for Substance Abuse and Treatment. National Institute of Neurological Disorders. It is frequently used in such references as injuries suffered in a car accident.. Symptoms include restlessness, difficulty in focusing or staying organized and impulsivity. The references angered disability rights advocates, who argued that Hawking achieved remarkable success while using a wheelchair and a computerized voice system, not despite those devices. NCDJ Recommendation:Avoid using cripple as either a noun or verb unless you are describing the crip movement or if its in a direct quote. AP style: Not specifically addressed, but the style book refers to mental health professional in an entry on mental illness. AP style: Disabled is described as a general term for a physical, mental, developmental or intellectual disability. NCDJ Recommendation: When referring to a cochlear implant, avoid describing it as a corrective device or one that would restore a deaf person to mainstream society. AP style: Included in its Disabled/Handicapped entry, the stylebook describes blind as a person with complete loss of sight and suggests using the terms visually impaired or person with low vision for those who have some sight. If a medical diagnosis is not available, use quotes around the term and indicate that a diagnosis has not been confirmed. The average height of a dwarf is 40.. Background: Some disability advocates are beginning to shift away from the word nonverbal in favor of nonspeaking, arguing that nonverbal implies that someone doesnt understand language, while nonspeaking does not invite the same judgment. See entries on Depression and Mental illness/mental disorder. According to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Center for Substance Abuse Treatment, the word addiction is acceptable for uncontrollable, compulsive use of substances as well as acts such as gambling, sex, working, etc., in the face of negative health and social consequences. AP Style: The style book suggests a content warning at the top of stories when the subject matter may be considered offensive or disturbing, but the story does not contain quoted profanity, obscenities or vulgarities. NCDJ Recommendation: Avoid using hearing impaired or hearing impairment. For those with total hearing loss or who identity as a member of the Deaf community, deaf is acceptable. AP style: Avoid using committed suicide except in direct quotations from authorities. It does not address the use of autistic as an adjective. However, people with speech and hearing disabilities are capable of expressing themselves in writing, through sign language and in other ways. Journalists should consider other ways of describing a persons ability to function in society. NCDJ Recommendation: It is acceptable to describe a person as someone who uses a wheelchair, followed by an explanation of why the equipment is required. AP style: The style book states that congenital disorder is acceptable and recommends being specific about the condition. Several U.S. disability groups have always used identity-first terms, specifically the culturally Deaf community and the autistic rights community. Use recovering to refer to someone with the disease of addiction, as in someone recovering from alcoholism.. For a long time, it simply meant slow. NCDJ recommendation: Do not apply the term invisible disability to people without asking what they prefer. Background: Bipolar disorder is a mental illness believed to be caused by a combination of genetic factors and neurological functioning, according to the National Institute of Mental Health. AP style: Recently updated to include an entry on ableism as a form of discrimination comprising the belief that typical abilitiesthose of people who arent disabledare superior. The revised disabilities entry says, Ableism is a concept similar to racism, sexism and ageism in that it includes stereotypes, generalizations and demeaning views and language.. NCDJ Recommendation: While it is acceptable to use the terms developmental disability and developmental disabilities, it is preferable to use the name of the specific disability whenever possible. WebYSK that "Hearing Impaired" term is incorrect and offensive, use Hard of Hearing when referring to the demographic. In general, avoid using able-bodied except in a quote. Instead, define it as an electronic device that can assist a person who is deaf or hard of hearing in understanding speech. Background: Epilepsy is a chronic neurological and developmental disorder characterized by recurrent, unprovoked seizures, according to the Epilepsy Foundation. The main causes of conductive hearing loss include obstruction of the ear canal by a foreign body and trauma to the middle ear usually to the ossicles. The condition is a neural tube defect that occurs when the spinal column does not close all the way in the womb. If a medical diagnosis is not available, use quotes around the term and indicate that a diagnosis has not been confirmed. However, whenever possible, ask the individual which term they prefer. A treatment center is an establishment usually run by psychiatric or medical professionals. The institute states, It is common for people to have mixed dementia a combination of two or more types of dementia. Background: Hospitals that cared for people with various mental illnesses, often for long periods of time, were once commonly referred to as insane asylums. WebHearing impairment is the inability of an individual to hear sounds adequately. Use attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder on first reference; ADHD is acceptable on second reference. Otherwise, hard of hearing is almost always acceptable. This is caused by the muscles that are used to create speech not functioning properly or to their best ability. Hearing is a prerequisite for the development of normal speech & language. In the case of a leg injury, explain instead that an injury resulted in difficulty walking. Even in the case of a direct quote, consider how offensive the term is and include the historical context if possible. Plain English is sometimes known as plain language or Everyday English. Legal definitions vary from state to state. See also Insane/insanity/mentally deranged/psychopathology. News reports covering sensitive topics, such as abuse, assault, addiction, suicide, combat and violence, frequently contain descriptive scenarios that can deeply effect audiences. Some are opposed to the use of AAC because of the belief that it will hinder language development. NCDJ Recommendation: Refer to a person with albinism, rather than an albino. NCDJ Recommendation: Refer to someone as having bipolar disorder only if the information is relevant to the story and you are confident there is a medical diagnosis. Sometimes people with quadriplegia refer to themselves as quads. In these cases, use in quotes. Those with such disabilities often require lifelong or extended support. Neurodiversity basically means that brains operate differently and thats not a bad thing. It is best to ask your sources what they prefer and take that into consideration. Background: The Oxford English dictionary defines an invalid as a person made weak or disabled by illness or injury. It is probably the oldest term for someone with physical conditions that are considered seriously limiting. However, some people with mild or moderate hearing loss may affiliate themselves with the Deaf community and prefer the term deaf. Alternatively, some who are deaf and dont have a cultural affiliation to the Deaf community may prefer the term hard of hearing.. Until recently, the term deaf-blind was widely accepted, and it is still in use today. Referring to someone who does not have a disability as a normal person implies that people with disabilities are deviant or strange. Instead, refer to the persons specific condition or use person with a disability. The terms are still widely used and generally acceptable when citing laws, regulations, places or things, such as handicapped parking, although many prefer the term accessible parking. Avoid handicapable., Conforms to AP style with regard to handicap and handicapped. The stylebook does not address handicapable., Background: According to the University of Washington, hard of hearing refers to any hearing condition that can be helped by an auditory device. Avoid the terms vertically challenged and midget., AP style: Dwarf is the preferred term for people with a medical or genetic condition resulting in short stature. Midget is considered offensive. Many experts classify autism as a developmental disability. Avoid alcoholic, addict, user and abuser unless individuals prefer those terms for themselves or if they occur in quotations or names of organizations, such as Alcoholics Anonymous. People with these conditions often are referred to as quadriplegics and paraplegics, but these terms are considered offensive by some. Background: The University of Kansas Research & Training Center on Independent Living describes these as chronic medical conditions characterized by neurological impairment, muscle pain and weakness, respiratory problems and gastrointestinal complaints. Rapid speech that is difficult to understand. Specific disorders should be used and the source of the diagnosis identified whenever possible. It helps people who want to read and understand information quickly. Uneven or abnormal speech rhythm. This style guide, which covers dozens of words and terms commonly used when referring to disability, can help. Common usages include cancer survivor, burn survivor, brain injury survivor or stroke survivor. However, the terms are disliked by some because they imply that those who die simply did not fight hard enough. NCDJ Recommendation: Do not call someone disfigured as it is considered derogatory. According to the University of Kansas Research & Training Center on Independent Living, Non-disabled is the preferred term when the context calls for a comparison between people with and without disabilities. In addition to their cognitive component, many types of dementia include physical symptoms, such as the abnormal eye movements of Huntingtons disease or the tremors associated with Parkinsons disease. Insane/insanity/mentally deranged/psychopathology, American Association on Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities, Dwarf, little person/people/midget/short stature, Intellectual disabilities/intellectually disabled, Dwarf, little person/midget/short stature, Dissociative identity disorder/multiple personality disorder, Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders. However, Little People of America recommends using the descriptors short stature, little person or someone with dwarfism., NCDJ Recommendation: Only refer to a persons short stature if it is relevant to the story. Many chronic health conditions also are considered invisible disabilities, depending on their severity and impact on daily living. It is characterized by new muscle weakness, joint and muscle pain and fatigue., NCDJ Recommendation: Use the term polio rather than infantile paralysis. The discussion can be found here. The terms senility and senile denote conditions brought on by aging and often are used incorrectly to denote dementia. A birth defect is a physical or biochemical difference that is present at birth. Background: Autism spectrum disorder is a group of complex disorders related to brain development, according to the National Institute of Mental Health. A nonverbal person would theoretically communicate with the help of a facilitator by typing on a keyboard, pointing to an image, or pointing to letters on an alphabet board. However, use the term the person prefers if its possible to ask. It is widely viewed as legitimate and important. Disability advocacy groups emphasize that it is important not to assume people are homebound if they are disabled. NCDJ Recommendation: Ask the person with a disability how they prefer to be described; if thats not possible, ask a spokesperson for the organization representing the relevant disability for preferred terminology. In 2009, the writers of the television show Glee introduced the term handicapable as a positive alternative to other ways of referring to people with disabilities. Instead, be specific about the condition and use only if relevant to the story. There are four types of spina bifida. More serious causes of dysarthria, or sudden slurred speech, include A note about person-first language. Some argue that the term commit implies that suicide is a criminal act, while others view the term commit as neutral. AP style: The style book suggests using the term survivor with care because it can be imprecise, among other reasons. Too Much to Drink. NCDJ Recommendation: The terms deafblind, deafblindness, deaf-blind and deaf-blindness are all acceptable. Background: The terms mentally retarded, retard and mental retardation were once common terms that are now considered outdated and offensive. Avoid referring to the disabled in the same way that you would avoid referring to the Asians, the Jews or the African Americans. When describing individuals, do not reference disabilities unless it is clearly pertinent to the story. Bipolar disorder often develops during late adolescence or early adulthood. NCDJ Recommendation: It is preferable to use a medical professionals diagnosis or, if that is not possible, terms such as comatose or non-responsive. Avoid referring to someone as a vegetable or veg as such words dehumanize the person. For example, the terms failed attempt or successful or completed attempt depict suicide as a goal, project or solution. Most are proud to be Deaf. Healthyplace.com has a good discussion of the differences. Background: Dissociative identity disorder is characterized by the emergence of two or more distinct personality states or identities in a persons behavior or consciousness, according to the National Alliance on Mental Illness. Background: A defect is defined as an imperfection or shortcoming. You also may want to provide a more detailed description of the disability. Dont say that an awards show, for example, was schizophrenic., Background: According to the Mayo Clinic: A seizure is a sudden, uncontrolled electrical disturbance in the brain. NCDJ Recommendation: Avoid language that may legitimize facilitated communication. WebMD explains the difference between epilepsy and seizures in this way: Seizures, abnormal movements or behavior due to unusual electrical activity in the brain, are a symptom ofepilepsy. Background: An alcoholic is someone who has the disease of alcoholism. NCDJ Recommendation: Avoid referring to someone with a disability as sick or to their disability as a sickness. If a person is receiving medical treatment, then the word patient is appropriate; however, it should be avoided outside of a medical context. Mental illness is a prevalent invisible disability. Additional material: I Dont Have Autism, Im Autistic, Lenny Letter. The phrase abnormal behavior reflects social-cultural standards and is open to different interpretations. AP style: The stylebook allows the use of vegetative state, describing it as a condition in which the eyes are open and can move, and the patient has periods of sleep and periods of wakefulness, but remains unconscious, unaware of self or others.. Avoid using hearing impaired or partial or partially in reference to deafness or hearing loss unless people use those terms for themselves. If you have two or more seizures or a tendency to have recurrent seizures, you have epilepsy. Conforms to AP style, The AP also suggests avoiding words like abuse or problem in favor of the word use with an appropriate modifier such as risky, unhealthy, excessive or heavy. Misuse also is acceptable. An Italian version of the guide is available here. Symptoms may include reliving the traumatic event, avoidance of certain behaviors, negative emotions, or physical symptoms such as dizziness or nausea. In some cases, the word typical can be used to describe a non-disabled condition, although be aware that some in the disability community object to its use. NCDJ Recommendation: Because anonymity is central to the organization, disclose that someone is a member of Alcoholics Anonymous only if it is essential to the story. There's nothing inherently negative about spasticity aside from the pain that can result from it but like many neutral words, people have used "spaz" to make These conditions begin during the developmental period of life, may impact day-to-day functioning, and usually last throughout a persons lifetime.. Background: Stuttering is a a neurobiological condition that is characterized by interruptions in speech. NCDJ Recommendation: Refer to someone as having dementia only if the information is relevant to the story and you are confident there is a medical diagnosis. AP style:The style book defers to the National Association of the Deaf, stating: Hearing-impaired was a well-meaning term that is not accepted or used by many deaf and hard of hearing people.. For example, if I say that I am hearing-impaired, people may get the impression that Im incapable of something. Otherwise, use the terms disabled, disability or person with a disability.. Background: The majority of people with disabilities have chronic conditions that are invisible or hidden. AP style: Cripple is considered offensive when used to describe a person who is lame or disabled. NCDJ Recommendation: Colorblind is still generally acceptable, but in the interest of accuracy, consider indicating what kind of color-blindness a person has, such as red-green color-blindness. NCDJ Recommendation: Use person with chemical intolerance or people with environmental illness. Do not use chemophobic as it is considered derogatory. More. WebThough hearing-impaired is still in medical parlance, many Deaf people proudly refer to themselves as such, also with a capital D. Other activists have decided there is nothing wrong with being fat, and have wholeheartedly embraced the term. These foods have important vitamins and help keep the lining of the throat healthy. Background: According to the University of Kansas Research & Training Center on Independent Living, learning disability describes a neurologically based condition that may manifest itself as difficulty learning and using skills in reading (called dyslexia), writing (dysgraphia), mathematics (dyscalculia) and other cognitive processes due to differences in how the brain processes information. Common for people to have recurrent seizures, according to the disabled in the autism object! 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