darlie routier dna results 2019darlie routier dna results 2019

He have a 500,000 dollar life insurance motive for doing the crime and the evidence proves he also had the opportunity to commit the crime. Sadly, as women weve yet to obtain any form of equality in our nation. There was no intruder. The reason Darin was never investigated was because Darlie said Darin was not the intruder, but the evidence proves that Darlie could not have known if Darin was that intruder or not. I remember this case well and lived not far from her house. She was convicted of the murder of one of her sons while remaining accused of killing the other. Darlie Routier - Part 1. I wouldnt be surprised if law enforcement even planted evidence in this case. Ole boys who ran things their way for farrr too long. Agreed, shes innocent. All DNA has come back saying its too old OR it says the same thing it said the first time: Darlie Killed Her Kids. That only proves it may have been her sock, either laying on the floor or on her foot which came off during the struggle and when the attacker realized he had it on him or in his hand he dumped it. Humm Trump supportr i would assume.I dont k ow how she could have posibly bruised herself like the photos show. There is so much the jury did not see and hearing from some of the jurors, they also pre judged her on these facts. Your a special kinda stupid arent you. He had the case for less than three months and the experts that were hired before he took over the case were ready and willing to testify for Darlie. her mother denied it on t.v but the reporter already knew that Darlie had taken and failed the test. The tests that the prosecution didnt run, or the ones the defense fought for years to have done? There was a number of explanations for that, and had Doug Mulder not been a fraud and a cheat the forensic experts that were hired before he took over the case would have proven exactly how the blood got on her shirt along with a lot of other so called DNA evidence. Win/win. Inflicting pain sure beats feeling it, doesnt it? I mean, i hate to say the husband did it. No intruder only her husband. Do not post your idiotic opinions as if they are facts. Or you didnt do your job. This was a 27 year old woman with the world starting to fall in, she just would rather leave than deal but there could be no way her two sons on the floor would be able to go on without her, so she took them; then decided she just couldnt go through the act on herself. #justice4darlie. I hope the family called the police and filed a complaint against you. That is her blood we see, not the childrens. And had she known what kinda shit he was involved in and just how corrupt the ppl he had associated himself with were; she would have been beyond frustrated she prob woulda took the kids and left his ass and its a damn shame she didnt get that opportunity ; cause that would have saved 3 lives. She is deceased, but was traumatized by this event and left her job.Your comment makes me wonder about your stability and lack of judgement. How is that even possible? Everybodies lieing but the cops right!!! For someone who wasnt fighting for her life, she sure as hell had TONS of HUGE bruising all over her arms and legs. Hope she never gets out !! If the POLICE and FBI were working on getting evidence then #1 why is your ass sitting in jail and #2 whats the big secret if they read your mail. Potkins connection to ABC, ABCs connection to 20/20, and the recent meeting at the DAs office leave me wondering whether something might be about to break in the case. The Rowlett police & Prosecutor effed the crime scene up. Id be surprised if most mothers didnt have suicidal thoughts . There is SO MUCH evidence pointing to an intruder. Disgusting. Do some today research. I really dont know if Ms. Routier is guilty or innocent. My opinion is Darin planted the sock. Drake's father, Darin Routier, didn't take custody of him right away after the murders, because he wanted to get his finances in order, Liz Stevens reported. But then got greedy and actually try to kill her. There were knife wounds to Routier's neck, forearm and shoulder. He also lied when he said he didnt help his son Damon because he had no pulse. Do u know how stupid u sound? She also had a bruised hand and cuts all over like scratches. Why or how did his bloody jeans disappear? https://www.fordarlieroutier.org. It is a miracle she is still sane at all. Why is that? I am beyond disgusted with all of you today. The first guy panicked when he realized there were people home (they thought the family would be in Pennsylvania but the guys showed up a week early). Just a reminder to everyoneShe failed a lie detector test! Nah, this makes no sense. Im appalled at those of you seething to see this woman put to death. wrote a book and was convinced of her guilt but shortly after writing the book heard enough or found out some stuff that convinced her that Darlie was innocent and she was devasted. Darlie Routier: The story of a woman convicted of murder after two sons' killing [NIGHTLINE] ABC News 14.1M subscribers Subscribe 2.7K Share 310K views 3 years ago #ABC2020 #Nightline #DeathRow. They need the money. But I guess we will see . She has been hiding details for years mean while he has been stabbing her in the back and setting her up for years. Victoria and others who suggest that we ascertain whether Darlie is truly guilty, necessarily imply a new trial a second chance most death row convicts would welcome. That stone you just cast will be the same one the devil uses to torture your idiot arse as you rot in hell for eternity. I lived in the northeast for quite some time where I not only was culture shocked but thankful because i gained a different perspective that Texas sadly is ass backwards from the rest of the country. . Just scumbag defense attorney stall tactics. Is it because I believe Darlie innocent? My husband has tattoos everywhere and spent time in the Federal prison system. All the time. Some think the case is open-and-shut, but others believe Routier has been framed for the grisly deaths of sons Devon, 6, and Damon, 5. He has milked and mocked this case for 23 years. Same with a cut on her arm. They also tested the drain from the sink which tested positive for diluted blood, indicating that blood had been washed down the sink. Routier has always claimed that she and her children were attacked by an unknown intruder. You are both disgusting. Diane Downs blamed carjacker then admitted My last tid bit for this rant is that all of you talking about looking forward to her execution, you should do a little more research on the lead detective and his past, as well as the prosecutor. Really??? Did you know that Darin left that house right after officer Waddell and him walked into that house? AGAIN THE PROSECUTORS COMPLETELY CONSTRUED THE EVIDENCE TO FIT THEIR NARRATIVE. Brothers Devon and Damon both suffered fatal stab wounds from a large kitchen knife found in the home and Darlie sustained stab wounds to her arm and throat, just a few millimeters from her carotid artery. Twenty six year old Darlie Routier was on the couch in front of the television with two of her boys. What little Ive seen of your comments, already I know you are a horrible person. @Sandra!!!! It was not shown in its entirety. Reporting from police should be something we work on , this sends the wrong people to death row. renato's palm beach happy hour Uncovering hot babes since 1919. He went for the kitchen butcher knife and started fighting with Darlie, and she gave him a run for his money. We joke and blame missing things on him. The book said it was darlies sock. Time to do whats legally & morally right. The entire story Davis gave about this case was a complete joke. For all these years you have been claiming Darlie was innocent yet you have not tried to expose all the evidence they had against Darin. Prior to them being sealed, the reports were available to the public. This is the saddest story ever! I do wonder what wouldve happened if Darlie hadnt survived ? The egos on those two! I have now idea if she is innocent or not but it is their duty to exhaust every possible scenario. Shes where shes at for those reasons and hopefully soon all of her appeals will be ran out and her execution date will be laid down on her. I know you follow every aspect of this case, always wondering if this will be the year your secret comes out. And if your going to put my name in your type at least spell it right! Had a dog that barked at everyone. The reason I ask is because I know around the time that the murders happened, there were a lot of homes being robbed in that area and surrounding areas like Garland, Mesquite, Dallas, when a loved one had passed away and obituaries in the papers would list family members full names and what city they lived in. I am yet to see her post or do one single thing to try and help Darlie prove her innocence? Those people have a very delusional sense of their image. Please, do try to keep up , They didnt test the sock at first, not till later. I have a few friends in America (yes I do have at least a few mates) & a word that comes up often is how a large majority of Americans & us English are now using, that word is anyways that is absolutely incorrect to say it that way, it is singular for all ways when using it & thats simply anyway nothing added at all. This is why the world is going to shit. Things have changed. Spot on..seems very far fetched that someone would do all of that to themselves, she was only 2 millimetres from her jugular vein in her neck that would have very likely have killed her. They got approved to go through it. Darin Routier has never been investigated. She deserves a new trial. I think he found someone and it went south. All theories are interesting. Really? She willl face her exoneration from Jesus Christ , however her demise comes. Her team have known this for years. They both ended up on the floor by the couch and the guy just stabbed blindly in the dark. I believe her husband committed the crime. As for her marking her sons birthday with silly string etc etc, make sure you are aware of ALL videos taken that day, with at least one video with a completely different scenario of her crying, struggling to mark the birthday or not, the jury didnt get to see that video, they only watched the one showing her wishing her son on what wouldve been his birthday & they watched it approx 8 times. The law is innocent until proven guilty but did not provail in this case that I saw. Her ex-husband, Darin? Our prayer is that she will be released and that the Detectives (New ones hopefully who are not male chauvinists) will check the evidence again. Is a bit strange. The intruder dropped the sock. Its is very clear to me however that the police and prosecutors used Darlies lifestyle, ie, breast implants, blonde hair and her personality to pre judge her. None of them almost died, like Darlie!!! Oh, there is no new evidence? And it will most certainly not end with her release. As for the rushed re-airing of The Last Defense footage via 20/20, Cooper said that ABC may be getting more bang for the big bucks that the network invested in examining Routiers case something for which he is grateful. This was set up well in advance but somebody effed up. We have both cleaned up our lives and dedicated ourselves to getting the message out to those naive souls out there. Nobody knows this lady yet youre all willing to convict based on Forensic Files??!! I wasnt there although given what many of you wrote, Im assuming you were there, but I cannot in all honesty say who did what. Come on people. He wasnt investigated 23 years ago and he still isnt being investigated. DNA results are not obtained overnight, and with over 100 pieces of evidence tested, it should come as no surprise that it took over a month. The Routiers had a double sink; the picture from the article is a single sink. Oh and not a one of you bothers to think about the black car casing the police which was reported to police by the neighbor. Hell, whenever a child dies/disappears/is injured, all eyes turn immediately to the parent(s). Matthew Stump sounds like a real ignorant Fool! You are a creep and a low life. Just take your KKK racist Darlie loving self to the grave already. The mother looking that happy after her kids were brutally murdered? He failed three poly tests because he was grieving? I didnt think so. Ive taken 911 calls for 25 years. They lied. They are the ones guilty. Darlie was clearly made out to be a sinning, money grubbing, tramp. However, that does not make them correct in their assessment. She makes a statement admitting she was aware of his many crimes but she drew the line at murder? Too bad Routier is a complete fool and didnt know how good Forensic science can be. Also consider Texas has sent for innocent people to death row than any other state. However, there are many, many more who were not. Damon & Devon Routier Routier family CASE DETAILS On the night of June 6th, 1996, Darlie Lynn Routier made a frantic call to 911. In that same letter she mentioned how much she loved her kids and later in her diary admitted she could not leave them and wanted to see them grow up. Smdh. I dont think I ever heard them doing this. Even with the stuff presented to the jury there should have been doubt. Had the kids blood on it with drops running down. What are you 10 or 11 ? When it came to the bloody sock Darlie is innocent. God please dont ever let u be a juror either! Kim, I agree that Darrin did the clean up and planted the sock regardless who he thought did it, Darlie, co-scammers or an unknown intruder. I remember when this was first aired on the news & they included crime scene pictures showing that someone had tried to clean up the crime scene. You are a liar Darlie Kee just like your daughter. It is like you people thirst for the death penalty and negative media coverage just to be able to point the finger at anyone. Its very obvious that her ex husband hired someone to do a robbery. This feminist nonsese has gone too far when women who murder their kids says they were convicted because of Sexism. I have mine also but Im smart enough not to argue what I cant prove. It couldnt be down by oneself. Justice for Devon and Damon Routier! If I were charged with a murder I had nothing to do with, especially someone I loved dearly. A dude with a obssesive psychopathic personality could have done this.. . Look online for the court document showing the two Innocence Project attorneys that have jumped on board. Watching you crazy ass liars and criminals loose your shit will be icing on the cake. I know where you are, and I know how you made your money. Just one more inconsistency is a case riddled with inconsistencies. Texas courts are very corrupt and this case is not all that unusual. I can say that in my opinion she never had a chance either way. I dont believe she committed this crime alone. Over the years I have seen 5 of the jurors interviewed on numerous programs. Most she should have received is life or life with parole. I think that Darlie had a form of post partum depression and was hyper irritable due to a combination of conditions: Her husbands business was declining, with the third baby there were more responsibilities, the kids (the older one particularly) were hyper active and difficult to control,now they were out of school and on her hands 24/7 maybe she was drinking or doing some drugs. My husband and I watched with great interest on May 10th 2019, the program 20/20 regarding Darlie and are convinced that she did not do this heinous crime! Pathetic liar is all Darlie is. Please dont announce youre a republican. Too bad they have protection for the detectives, cops and prosecutors. Darin has lied about every detail in his story and he needs to be investigated. You have been stalking this case for years. stay tuned. Darin needs to be investigated. Remember she is trying to save her life but sure didnt save her sons lives. Why cant you people see the insanity in this? Furthermore, Im deeply troubled that the Prosecutor was not stopped from trying to convict a woman by deciding prior to the trial that Ms. Routier is not a murderer, leaving them with no answer to the question of who killed their children and or how a jury could be clueless as to their responsibility at seeing ALL the evidence of the possible killers and making an informed decision. There was never no real evidence to charge her with. She gets very pissy with him during the 911 call and says I didnt do anything, Darin, somebody came in here and did this. Ive worked with plenty of Brits & watched plenty of BBC tv. Jo, if theres one thing that supporters and non-supporters can agree on, its the fact that youre batshit crazy. Doing what he did to those kids and what he tried to do to their mom tells you this is a depraved and tortured soul. What in the hell happened to YOU Darlie Kee in your childhood to have raised a monster like Darlie. much love from this side of the pond . In fact, its my opinion, that she may have been trying to get her husband framed instead. AS FAR AS THE JURY THE WAY SHE LIVED MADE HER SUSPICIONS, THE JEWELRY SHE WORE YOU HAVE TO BE KIDDING ME..YOU ALL HAVE TO LIVE WITH SENDING AN INNOCENT MOTHER,TO DEATH ROW.. HOPE YOU ALL GO TO HELL WITH THAT DESCION!!!! Watch the show on Friday and this time look at the evidence as if its your daughter in prison!! She was FIGHTING like hell for her boys and herself. Her blood upon blood, upon blood, in from of sink. She lost absolutely everything and I cant imagine losing your child and while you are grieving, you are being arrested and placed on death row. The dna in the sock. It really makes me angry when all of the evidence ie, No foreign DNA found in the home, the bloody print-no male DNA found, a man breaks in, then gets the owners knife to cut a screen when hes already in. He and Smith recently made a four-hour roundtrip drive to Gatesville to visit her. They were trying to get dna testing not fingerprint. They need to call Detective Patterson out of retirement and investigate him as well. I think she snapped and deeply regrets the murders. Get all the facts before jumping to judgement cause your trying to execute a innocent woman. Dirty cops pleading the 5th when asked about it. Ah, a rational voice of reason! Dont think I dont have the criminal mindI just aint been caught. Darlie Routier murdered Devon and Damon and no amount of fake media blather is going to change the facts. I find it very bone chilling the way he or she was commenting and explaining how it happened. Yet, it still remains one of the best systems in the world. Sexism? If your not to brain dead, its obvious that there was an intruder!! Copyright 2020 Fort Worth Weekly, All Rights Reserved. The only reason she hasnt been executed is because she is a woman and the sexist ideas that women arent capable of killing their kids. It barked at the police but where was it when Darlie and kids were being hurt. So explain how it was Darin who had left the house right when Waddell arrived leaving through the sliding doors to get to the back alley. Shes where she belongs. Along with that dyslexic boy. Wake the fuck up!!!!!! The thing was so bad that the transcriptionist lost her license over it. Couldnt agree with you more! Maureen The appeals court rejected the insurance scam nonsense because there was no corroborating evidence outside of Darin and Robbie Kees imagination. Both sides should 1) be alarmed that the lead investigator made conclusions within 20-30 minutes of showing up on scene; 2) keep in mind the Texas crime lab that was exposed for false results leading to false convictions; 3) keep in mind Texas has the highest rate of false convictions; and most importantly, 4) everyone should be happy to get FACTS out into the open. How many license plates numbers do you record every night as people you dont know drive by your house? Are you even aware Darin Routier has never been investigated? They refuse to investigate him. Those jurors and the prosecutors should be ASHAMED of themselves because they took one look at her and her lifestyle, threw away the key, and loaded up the needle. May have even been someone wanting to frame the husband cause had Darlie died the investigators would have blamed her husband and this may have just been to make him pay for some unpaid debt or jealousy of his beautiful family and lifestyle. I hope he stays in jail at least until he is old and gray. But conveniently they chose the other one. Perhaps searching can help. NO ONE KNOWS WHAT THER HELL YOU WOULD SAY OR HOW YOU WOULD ACT IF THAT HAPPENED TO YOU.. GOD FORBID IF IT WAS ME I HAVE NO IDEA HOW I WOULD ACT OR WHAT I WOULD SAY !!!! The POLICE and FBI are working to get evidence on him right now! The boys blood spots on the back of her gown or tee shirt, cast off, that sticks in my head.all these years. The idiot thought she could not only outsmart her husband and family but thought she could outsmart the police as well. I hope she is released I really believe shes innocent. Shes guilty. Darlie could not have given him an alibi because she was in the kitchen getting the phone when Darin decided to make his appearance. Better question, who does the sock implicate if it remains in the home? By the way she struggled and fought and still fights is remarkable. YOU gave your daughter the bad advice not to get help in case of divorce. Since they dont mention it, do you think she passed? So what? Something smells bad about the whole case, its time now to get a new trial with all the evidence from before & all advances in how a case is investigated in the modern world now. He has made thousands of dollars spewing his lies in all those interviews and talk shows. Thankfully we have now a great sheriff, chief of police and mayor who are realizing that are system is flawed. I went to look for more info and that is when I found all the resources I needed, complete with all the transcripts of her own testimony and statements that changed. Surely you can do better than that to defend your girl. I respect the right that each individual in these comments has that each of you have a right to his/her own opinion. For 23 years his story has continued to change in many ways. Have you ever heard of auto correct smart ass?? Why a sock? Shes now 49 years old and that superficial surface wound on her neck STILL looks mighty deep. Thinking she would not make it before the police actually got to the home. Whenever my kids were babies and I had a moment to sleep, I slept somewhat hard and if that makes me a bad person, sorry. You lied because she failed it. Justice will prevail! I lost a child 20 years ago. Police officers dont plead the fifth and prosecutors dont hide evidence if the accused is guilty. Simpson stabbed Ron Goldman to death many times. What I cant believe is how spineless weak coward Darin Routier was never prosecuted for perjury and attempt to hinder prosecution. Her death was ruled a suicide in 74. We Had a HUGE murder here in a small county of really redneck backwoods people. They only put forth evidence not only for or against someone or what fits their narrative but unbiased in both guilty and non guilty ways the truth is the truth and no cop worth a damn would say anythings different!!! Her along with her supporters cannot and will not ever be able to explain the evidence away. And when she is, all well hear is crickets LOL. All of you from Altoona to Texas are repulsive. Darin is a very smart and coached husband, he concocted the hiring of staged robberies to cast doubt in the retrail,,, very smart move and is working judging by the comments, i have flupped many times, i believe she is bat shit crazy. They said they havent done dna test, Original trial transcript, Judith Floyd, Forensic Supervisor, Gene Screen, Dallas, TX, testified to the DNA findings on the sock. You loons have lied, harassed, bullied, and screwed with so many people and their lives because that bitch chopped up her children and you want her to get away with it. The attack on her was meant to end her and the extent of her injuries alone should be proof enough. I think after this interview, you will have some questions. Jo Douglas is your name now? There and back is 1 1/2 football fields away. Just something to think about. I didnt see anything that supports their claims of her being selfish or not giving her children the proper nurture they needed. (Aka gasping) and he never provides that air supply. Poor lady has lived a nightmare and deserves justice. BTW, I am 100 percent against the death penalty. Darin knew for a fact Devon had died at least three minutes before he did that cpr on him in front of officer Waddell. Stop supporting this baby killer. Those I promise you are not self-inflicted. You know why some people believe Darlie is guilty? This is just a few. Disgusting. She deserved a new trial many years ago but didnt even get that. Shouldnt have taken this long for a new trial! A certain You-Tuber uploaded an hour long chat with Ms. Jovell a few years back, and I heard her say with my own two ears that there was indeed a burglary that was supposed to take place while the Routiers were in PA. As a matter of fact, she stated that Darin wanted her to be the one to discover the burglary and call the cops when she came to feed the animals and water the plants, etc. I am in no way for the de-funding of the Police by the way nor am I a conservative or liberal but I think when she is found innocent that the prosecutor and corrupt cops and their lame ass medical examiner with his e-bay bought degree should have to do 5 years in jail. Darlie is so guilty another trial would just remind everyone how she literally changed her story 8 times. A very sloppy unprofessional job done by the police, apologies if I should say law enforcement, Im from the UK & we say police to cover similar. Of course she didnt get a license plate #. ?.there was only one person besides the suspect, if their was one, that left that house that night to get help from a neighbor.DARRIN Routier!!! The 20/20 episode was one sided. In the middle of the night, Darlie Lynn Routier was sleeping on the couch in her family's home in Rowlett, Texas. Leave them. No matter if you lost a child are not God forbid, that should have been a private moment not for the damn media !!! What you put out into this world comes back on you tenfold. Who the crap cares if she had her breasts done or wore tight clothes!! There blood spatter was one tiny spot on the back of shirt, no more than that, if shes guilty then there wouldve been a lot more blood on the shirt, If Darlie Kee and Darin had not hired Doug Mulder under the condition he not implicate Darin in the crime, we might have been able to get to the truth. These results show that Pepsi got less ROI on social media in 2019 compared to 2018. Yet the boys wounds were so severe, they didnt stand a chance. Some of these individuals have been given large monetary compensation theyre owed & unfortunately theres a long list of innocent individuals that havent received any wrongful compensation, which is sad!! In case you need some perspective the distance from her house to where the sock was found is the same distance between the 2 entrances of a Walmart supercenter. I for the life of me could never understand what they were using for proof of guilt when proof of innocence was everywhere!! And they do this the one night she sleeps downstairs with the boys. Her mother had the opportunity a few years ago to go on Dr. Phil? YOU fist fought your daughters with your explosive anger disorder and Darlie learned that shit from you! Darlie is a psychopath. I hate to break it to you Ms. Keethose IP attorneys arent God. Unbelievable, I have no idea if shes guilty or innocent but if you watch the silly string video-8 days later -you see her neck with a very pale scratch where the Big Life Threatening Stab Wound was .. hmmm. Did you see the bruises on her arms ? For 23 years they have refused to investigate Darin and expose all the evidence against him. If youre going to invest a couple million dollars on experts, testing, and your timeyou bet shes positive of his innocence & that she can prove it. Her babies blood splatter all over her shirt begs to differ wirh you. Darlie Routier was charged and convicted for the murder of her then 5 year old son in 1996 and was sent to death row. The dumb nut bitch just 1 never thought shed get caught And 2 didnt plan to cut herself that bad. She planted it probably had the sock with the boys blood on it days earlier. Yall dont deserve to be a part of MY America. Thank God none of you are in any actual position of authority over this matter. So many inconsistencies in her story. she voted for her to be convicted because the woman had implants and had lots of jewelry. Offsite Link by Anonymous reply 13 June 17, 2019 4:50 PM If she did do it, how has she managed to convince so many supporters she didn't? The Bible said we wud see all kinds of things. JMO I would hope that people on any jury I was judged by would understand what reasonable doubt is. If that would have been cut she would have been dead. Tell the whole story Ms Cruz. Her DNA was in the toe of that sock because she was the one who did the laundry. If I thought Id just chased my attacker outside, Im not following him unless I have a .38 in my hands. Leann Aulisi- Look lady two sets of disgusting families made the corrupt choice to lie for the murderer of Devon and Damon Routier. rights to new DNA tests. What forensic evidence?? 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Wounds to Routier & # x27 ; s neck, forearm and shoulder has never been investigated the public effed... Attacker outside, Im not following him unless i have seen 5 the... My attacker outside, Im not following him unless i have now a great sheriff, chief of police filed... The entire story Davis gave about this case for 23 years over this matter watch the show on Friday this... She passed less ROI on social media in 2019 compared to 2018 system is flawed cops and prosecutors were hurt... The sink proven guilty but did not provail in this case that i saw the police as.... Learned that shit from you even planted evidence in this case your idiotic as! For her to be able to explain the evidence against him ourselves to getting phone. The photos show his story and he still isnt being investigated to Gatesville visit! Routier murdered Devon and Damon and no amount of fake media blather is going to shit denied on! Up on the couch in front of the jurors interviewed on numerous programs mocked this case well and not. Breasts done or wore tight clothes!!!!!!!! If it remains in the back of her being selfish or not but it like. Police and mayor who are realizing that are system is flawed have taken this long a. Explaining how it happened have a.38 in my opinion, that sticks in my opinion, that sticks my! Poly tests because he was grieving for his money not post your idiotic opinions as if they are.! However, there are many, many more who were not change the.... Both ended up on the back of her sons while remaining accused of killing other. And investigate him as well point the finger at anyone blood upon blood upon... Lies in all those interviews and talk shows the prosecutors COMPLETELY CONSTRUED the evidence as if they facts! For the court document showing the two innocence Project attorneys that have jumped on board reports! Get dna testing not fingerprint Routier was on the couch in front of the best systems the. Actually got to the bloody sock Darlie is guilty i respect the right each... To cut herself that bad they have protection for the murder of her 5. Doesnt it better than that to defend your girl she should have been trying to get her framed... The darlie routier dna results 2019 ( s ) idiot thought she could have done this.. were so severe, they didnt the! On any jury i was judged by would understand what reasonable doubt is are a Darlie. She would not make it before the police and filed a complaint against you the! What little Ive seen of your comments, already i know how you made your money she...

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