how to describe pain to a disability judgehow to describe pain to a disability judge

More serious complications, such as punctured lungs or damaged nerves, are rare but can occur. According to the Social Security Administration, as of 2018, the average disability check for an individual with epilepsy is $1,171. For example: "I am usually awake by 4:00am, because I am hurting too much to sleep. The adjuster will want to know if your disability limits your ability to perform your occupation. You might also consider hiring a disability lawyer or a non-lawyer representative to help you with your claim. If you are capable of working, you will not qualify for disability benefits. The best way to determine how often you should get acupuncture is to consult with a qualified practitioner who can tailor a treatment plan specifically for you. People with severe intellectual disability will require help with all aspects of daily living and will need 24-hour supervision. Chronic back pain sufferers must show that they have a medical condition that impairs their ability to function normally in order to qualify for Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) or Supplemental Security Income (SSI) benefits. You will then be responsible for reimbursing the lawyer for these costs if you win your case. An ALJ must understand these laws and ensure that the federal agency involved in an administrative hearing has followed legal policies and procedures. I have severe migraines and headaches. -Illness: Various illnesses can cause pain, from the flu to cancer. This puts them at the tail-end of the Baby Boomer generation and on the cusp of Generation X. Chronic Fatigue Syndrome - Tulip worked with her doctors to create this letter for her disability insurance appeal (private disability). Some women report that labor started even sooner, while others say it took a few days. It may also be the result of an infection or a sprain, which remains in the body for a long time and may cause a person to experience recurring pain. The duration of benefits depends on the particular facts of each case, but in general, an injured worker is entitled to receive workers compensation benefits for as long as he or she needs medical treatment for the work-related injury. Alternatively, does it start bad in the morning and continue to worsen until you go to bed? After that, you can gradually reduce the frequency of treatments as your condition improves. Pain caused by such conditions can be chronic, since it continues to affect a person long after the initial injury has healed. A pain scale is a tool that doctors use to help assess a person's pain. When the judge asks a question, don't try to figure out why the judge is asking that particular question or whether your answer will help or hurt your case. Additionally, pay attention to the intensity of your pain. Second, it is helpful to use comparisons to help explain the pain. A good lawyer will prepare you for the judge's questions and . Start a blog: If youre passionate about a particular topic, why not start a blog? Most injured workers in California are entitled to receive workers compensation benefits for the costs of medical treatment, including physical therapy. People with mild intellectual disability can usually live independently and hold down a job. Another common mistake claimants make when describing their daily activities is to simply give a schedule of your day without any information about your impairment. It is important to understand the meaning of the word and how to spell it correctly in order to avoid offending someone or using the wrong term in a sensitive situation. Generally, it lasts for fewer than six months and goes away once the underlying cause is treated. The best way to determine if you are experiencing pain is to consult with a pain management specialist. As a practical matter most attorneys are going to find it difficult to collect case costs from a client who does not voluntarily pay but the language should be in the fee agreement. Stating you have pain is not enough; in order to strengthen your chances of winning your disability case, you must learn how to effectively describe your physical pain so that the caseworkers, physicians, and even the ALJ (Administrative Law Judge) assigned to your case can understand what you experience each day and how your pain limits your functioning. However, first hand witness accounts can help illustrate how your disability really does affect your life and interfere with your ability to work. Sell products online: If youre crafty or have unique products to sell, you can set up an online shop through sites like Etsy or eBay. If you have a disability, you know the pain like nobody else. This is particularly true for people over the age of 60. These are not the only words that can describe your pain, but it is important for you to be able to describe what you feel as you are the only one that knows exactly what you feel. Location is important as lower back pain may be midline pain, pain off to the side or even sacroiliac pain (off to the side but below the beltline). When answering a disability judge's question, try to remember that he's asking you to rate your pain on a scale of one to ten. It is also one of the oldest recognized disorders, with references to it dating back to ancient times. I toss and turn until about 5:00, then I get up and turn on the coffee pot.". It may also help to regulate hormone levels and improve blood circulation. People with disabilities should never have to go through life alone. They can help you understand the potential risks and benefits and make sure its safe for you and your baby. You must also have a medical condition that meets SSAs definition of disability. If you or someone you know has a disability, there are a few things you can do to help them. How far is 500 ft, really? Please contact us at. In order to qualify for disability benefits, back problems should be a chronic condition. Other than your medical records and possibly a medical expert, the only other information an Administrative Law Judge (ALJ) at your disability appeal may be able to rely . However, the word actually has a very specific meaning when used in a clinical setting. An impairment must also last at least one year before becoming permanent. Some people find that they need periodic tune-ups after their initial course of treatment to keep their condition under control. Social Security Disability Attorneys. This is likely due to improved blood circulation and the release of endorphins. However, it is important to note that the research on this topic is limited. We have represented claimants in Texas, Florida, California and these cities and counties in Oklahoma: Oklahoma City, Tulsa, Norman, Lawton, Broken Arrow, Edmond, Midwest City, Moore, Enid, Stillwater, Muskogee, Bartlesville, Shawnee, Owasso, Ardmore, McAlester, Clinton, and Poteau. 3. changing lawyers if you terminate your lawyer, he could file a fee petition for time expended on your case. Something like: A day in the life of X (your name). It does not have to be in some fancy, formal writing style. (*) This can be incredibly hard, as people with disabilities often have to face many challenges that others dont. If youre receiving acupuncture for a chronic condition, you may need to continue treatment for several months or even years. This is because acupuncture can help to relieve symptoms and improve overall health, making medications more effective. Intellectual disability can be caused by genetic factors, prenatal exposure to toxins, or damage to the brain during infancy or childhood. A level of ten means excruciating pain. He or she may ask to see your medical records. However, treatment is possible. Does the pain burn? Include any medications youve been taking and what their side effects are. Paint an accurate picture and the judge is more likely to believe you. While outright fraud is uncommon, Administrative Law Judges (ALJs) are trained to be wary of every claimant they encounter. Medical records are very important, and you must have them. Level 9 or 10 pain means childbirth or kidney stone pain. Youll need to invest some time in setting up your shop and promoting your products, but if youre successful, you could make a decent income from home. Acupuncture is an ancient form of Chinese medicine that has been used for centuries to treat a variety of ailments. answer this question by explaining why you cannot keep a job because of your disability. If you are unsure whether or not you should use the term retarded, it is best to err on the side of caution and avoid using it altogether. Doctors and therapists use a pain scale that ranges from one to ten. We searched through online forums and spoke with several acupuncturists to get a better understanding of this popular alternative therapy. One of our important tasks as your Oklahoma City disability attorney is to prepare you to testify about your pain and other symptoms. Alberto. A common technique for describing the severity of pain is to rate it on a scale of 0 to 10 with 0 being no pain and 10 being the worst pain imaginable. I am completely stiff in the morning and exhausted. If your disability isnt directly related to the requirements of the job, do not mention it. I have yet to speak with anyone from the law firm, but I have requested my records that SSA has on file in the form of a CD. Regardless of the source of your pain, you should get a proper diagnosis. Most judges won't believe you if you tell them you have a 10 pain level every day. Although acupuncture is generally considered safe when performed by a trained practitioner, there are some risks associated with the procedure. If youre taking medication for a chronic condition, you may find that you need to take less of it or have fewer side effects when you also receive acupuncture treatments. When writing a disability letter, witnesses should include facts based on what they have seen first-hand; otherwise, it can be very easy for an ALJ to dismiss the letter. If you take medication for your pain, it is important to follow the directions on the bottle. Next, be an advocate for them. 1. can your lawyer charge you beyond the 25% for medical records? You may experience some mild side effects, such as fatigue or headaches, but these should dissipate within a day or two. Finally, if an injured worker has reached what is known as maximum medical improvement (MMI), he or she may still be eligible to receive workers compensation benefits for the cost of physical therapy if the treating physician has determined that the physical therapy is reasonably necessary to prevent further deterioration of the condition caused by the work-related injury. That is, the pain may start in the back and then migrate into the buttocks and then down the leg. There are ways that you can survive the wait . These symptoms include head pain, aphasia, allodynia, fatigue, phonophobia . There are two types of disability benefits available through the SSA: Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) and Supplemental Security Income (SSI). This may include things like difficulty maintaining personal relationships, problems with self-care, or even financial instability. How do I win a disability hearing for depression. While these two programs are different, the medical requirements are the same. After your acupuncture appointment, its important to rest and drink plenty of fluids. While there is no definitive answer, most women who have used acupuncture for labor report that it took anywhere from 24 to 48 hours for labor to begin after their final acupuncture session. They will be able to tailor a treatment plan to your specific needs. This can be achieved through tips, side hustles, and finding a low-risk, high-potential opportunity. If you experience pain at this high level more than once a day, or even if once a week, you need to be able to specify. No longer able to shave legs. There is no one-size-fits-all answer to how often someone should have acupuncture. To put this another way, if you lose your case, you are basically judgment proof and your lawyer would be foolish to throw good money after bad trying to collect a few hundred dollars, not to mention the bad publicity he could get for such an action. This could be less overall pain, or pain that is more manageable and less frequent. Using a pain scale. What do disability judges look for? 1. Having a disability or condition that is expected to improve or resolve within 12 months or is controllable with appropriate treatm. There are a number of ways that people with disabilities can make money. The second thing to keep in mind is that you need to be able to show how your bipolar disorder has impacted your ability to work. Information that is helpful to your doctor includes: 1. Pain is often hard to describe, but you should do your best to relate your pain as specifically as possible to the judge. Moderate intellectual disability is characterized by an IQ score of 35-50. This will help the ALJ understand your condition better. At your disability hearing, you should expect the judge to ask you questions about your physical limitations. Do you feel better in the morning? Chronic pain is a common ailment that affects around 25% of the adult population. Third, regular exercise is important for both physical and mental health. For example, they may have to deal with discrimination, lack of accessibility, and limited opportunities. This simple scale asks patients to rate pain from 0 to 10, with 0 being no pain at all, and 10 being the worst pain possible. You can also use words such as breakthrough pain or excrutiating, unrelenting pain. If the IME doctor disagrees with the treating physicians determination that physical therapy is necessary, the insurance company may deny coverage for the costs of physical therapy. However, it is important to listen to your body and not overdo it. I try to elicit descriptions from my clients using the language that they normally use my point here is that you dont want to start thinking about how you are going to describe the intensity of your pain at your hearing. Finally, it is important to remember that the Social Security Administration (SSA) is looking for cases that are severe enough to prevent an individual from being able to work at all. Get tired easily. Never describe your pain in the second or third person. 5. Be careful to avoid exaggeration when using this technique. To the question of what the pain feels like, use terms like dull, throbbing, stabbing, sharp, or burning. When answering a disability judges question, try to remember that hes asking you to rate your pain on a scale of one to ten. If youre considering acupuncture as a treatment option, its important to do your research and find a reputable practitioner. Profound intellectual disability is characterized by an IQ score below 20 or no measurable IQ. A medical professional will be able to diagnose and treat your pain in the most effective way possible. Irvine, CA 92617, United States, Entire site copyright 2022 Optimized Attorney It is important to work with a qualified acupuncturist to determine how often you should have acupuncture. chronic conditions or those that have been present for a longer period of time may only need to be treated every other week or even once a month. In fact, it would be very unlikely for a judge to believe you if you claim that you experience level ten pain every single day. Choose your words cautiously even while at the doctor especially if your words relate to describing how you are feeling. And, unfortunately, this can make life very difficult for those who have to deal with it. And if youre driving, its only a few seconds worth of travel time. Second, even if the injured worker has not been placed on temporary disability status, he or she may still be eligible to receive workers compensation benefits for the cost of physical therapy if the treating physician has determined that the physical therapy is reasonably necessary to cure or relieve the effects of the work-related injury. In general, pain can be treated with medication, physical therapy, massage, acupuncture, or a combination of these methods. SS scale score 9. The severity of pain can be difficult to quantify, so be sure to describe it in specific terms. In Febuary of 2006 after working out at the Heath club and doing too many sit-ups I develop a pain on my side. This can be a difficult process, but it is worth it to find someone who can help you manage your pain. By supplying such evidence, you can improve your chances of being considered a disability claimant. Is it a constant ache that progresses to spasms as it evolves? They will be able to answer any questions you have and determine if it is right for you. Acupuncture is an ancient Chinese practice that involves insertion of thin needles into specific points on the body. When speaking to a disability judge, its important to accurately describe your pain. The Tool Intiially Provides A List Of Topic Ideas To Choose From, Once You Select A Topic, You Can Go Ahead And Generate A Full Content AI Blog. How do I describe my daily activities to the Judge during the Social Security Disability hearing? In terms of popular culture, someone born in 1959 would have grown up watching The Flintstones and The Brady Bunch on television. No longer able to stand for more than 10 minutes without symptoms. Location: Where is the pain physically located on your body? The disability process is long and enduring. Some people may need to come for weekly treatments for several months, while others may only need a few sessions over the course of a year. 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